Many of you have asked that I start blogging again, as I used to do this on My Space. But, since I haven't logged into my space for years...I never really returned to it. Well...I decided it was time! Thanks to those of you who asked me to do feels nice to know that people either want to read what I have to say...or argue my points! Either way...I hope everyone enjoys this. I plan on doing this at least weekly...if not more often. goes!
So, we are gearing up for another presidential election. I cant believe it has been 4 years since Barack Obama started his historic run for the white house. The country was in shambles, the economy was in turmoil, housing bubble had burst, corporate corruption and greed was at an all time high and the sitting president was responsible for most of it. In case you did not know...typically economic conditions, employment numbers, inflation etc are based on policies set by presidential polices from prior years. For example, some would argue that Clinton era successes were based on Reagan polices. Although there is some merit to this (and for those of you who know me, know how much President Reagan was not a favorite of mine)...Clinton was responsible for much of the GDP growth in the nation during the 90's. The economic upturn was due to massive technology growth and Clinton was responsible for encouraging that. Alan Greenspan (a republican nominee) was also largely responsible for positive growth and low inflation during the 90's. Then came George W Bush. He is the first SITTING president to single handily cause a wide spread economic downturn. His policies (including the elimination of mortgage parameters that spawned the predatory loans that caused the housing crisis) are to blame for the problems we faced when Obama was elected.
Now...many will, we are are not any better, why should we reelect Obama? Lets take a look at what has happened: The bleeding has stopped. Wall Street reform is in place. Amercian companies (such as Ford) are doing better than they have in 25 years. Americans will have access to health care...which is a RIGHT in America, not something only the privileged and wealthy should have access to. However, we still have problems. 7 million unemployed or under-employed Americans. Skyrocketing energy prices. Increased food prices. Lower wages (when adjusted for inflation) than any time in recent history. So, where do we go from here? I have heard many say..."fire the president". My question is why? Lets be took 8 years to destroy the largest economic growth this country has ever seen. But, there is actually more to this. The corruption started before Bush and even before Clinton. Reagan polices allowed for the Enron's and the MCI Worldcoms and the Tyco's of the world to happen. Clinton polices were responsible for the energy prices (remember, he not only allowed Exxon and Mobil to merge into one giant company, he encouraged it). He sponsored NAFTA, which was such a promisibng idea...but corporate greed used the loophole to take away jobs in America. Bush was responsible for the housing crisis, bankrupting America in support of an Iraq war that had nothingg to do with any threat of terrorism or danger to the US or its people.
So, what am I saying: the problems of today are the responsibility of almost 30 years of presidential and government policies. The tea party has spent millions of dollars to go after one man and one party. They blame Obama and the democrats solely for the problems we have today. The Tea Party and their leader Michelle Bachman have blamed the stimulus for failing to turn around the economy. They have blamed high spending and big government for the problems we have and for not "fixing the economy". The tea party expected one man...with only a 2 YEAR mandate to change 30 years of bad policies, and especially 8 years of dangerous, self indulgent policies. Instead of offering real solutions of their own, they are spending millions of dollars trying to determine if the president was born in America and not on helping to solve the problem. They are spending millions on instituting and supporting/defending laws that force police officers to waste their time stopping Latinos to check if they are here illegally or not. Since when does America support racial profiling???!! Their kind of partisan politics are not helping the average middle class American feed his or her family. They are not putting us back to work. They are not lowering prices at the gas pump so people can afford to get to work or even buy food. I am all for differing opinions, because that is what makes America great...but, only if the differing opinions have the same end goal in mind. The tea party has no real goal, other than to blame everyone else for problems. They offer no solutions. So, instead of worrying about whether Obama was born in Hawaii, Kenya or Jupiter...instead of worrying about a dumb ass congressman who tweeted his junk to some woman...instead of trying to overturn a basic human right of affordable health about we focus on the real issue: jobs, affordable housing, affordable energy and the right that every Amercian has to raise a family and not have to fear total ruin to do it.
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