Thursday, July 7, 2011

And Justice For All?

So, the fourth of July just passed.  America's independence.  America's birthday.  A day that celebrates the freedoms that we all enjoy so much.  Freedom to say what we want, freedom to practice whatever religion we want (or not practice any at all without persecution), and a system of laws that allows justice for all.  Although none of it is perfect, it works.  And, for as much as we hate it continues to work.  Lets take a look at some high profile cases over the past many years:

OJ Simpson:
DNA evidence places OJ at the scene.  No alibi.  2 people brutally murdered. He is found not guilty. 

Michael Jackson:
Pictures of young boys naked. Pedophilia type magazines.  Multiple children come forward.  He is found not guilty.

And now...Casey Anthony:
No part of her story made sense.  DNA evidence in her car.  Admission she was there at the time of her 2 yo death.  No notification for 30 days. She is found not guilty. 

However, there are several differences in these cases...with one very notable similarity: OJ Simpson and Michael Jackson had high paid, high profile lawyers.  Anthony did not.  OJ and Michael Jackson have millions (or had) to spend on defense.  Anthony did not.  There was clear evidence that OJ and Michael were the Anthony case...there was not.  But why?  Answer is simple:  The prosecution in ALL 3 cases, assumed a win/conviction before they went to trial.  In all 3 cases, the prosecution lost the case, more than the defense won.  The Casey Anthony trial is PERFECT example:  She never told the same story twice.  Her own lawyer, who used the defense that Caylee died in her pool admitted that even he didn't buy that defense.  The child was duct taped and no one could explain why.  Casey did not notify ANYONE her daughter was missing for over 30 days and no one could explain why.  Casey did not have a high profile lawyer, she did not have millions of dollars, she was a single mom who hired an attorney to help defend her.  Did he do a great job? Maybe...but the reason she was found not guilty was the prosecution failed in their duties.  Those of you who know me well know that I truly believed she was guilty. I think she got away with murder, as did OJ and Michael Jackson (well, molestation in his case).  But, it doesn't matter what I think.  It matters was the 12 jurors think and how well the prosecution proved their case.  Our system is flawed.  But in all 3 cases...two items worked (and not for the better in these cases)...Innocent Until Proven Guilty and the idea of Reasonable Doubt.  As did all of you...I sat and listened to the verdict being read, as I did for OJ and Michael Jackson...I was outraged, I was stunned and I was sickened.  But, after having a couple days to digest...the fault lies in one area...the prosecutors. 

As I write this, I learn that Casey Anthony will be released next Wednesday.  She is free. She will make millions on a book deal and on movie rights.  She will return to the lifestyle she always wanted.  Its over and we as Americans have to accept that.  In order to preserve our system, we have to accept the failures of those who are supposed to protect justice for all.  In these cases, the justice was for Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. for the boys that were molested by Michael Jackson and justice for Caylee.  There was no justice for them.  Casey Anthony was found not guilty because of the failures of the prosecution, she was not guilty because they had the case won in their minds before they went to trial.  Our system is not perfect...and that's fine...but in these cases...justice for all did not mean for the victims.  Maybe Casey will write a book telling the world that if she had killed her daughter, this is how she would have done it?  Why not...OJ did...and he can get away with it.  Regardless of what the future holds for least she has a future...her daughter does not.  So, our system works but it is flawed.  And in this case, it is flawed at the expense of a helpless 2yo girl who relied on the one person in the world required to protect her...and she didn't.  There was no justice for all for Caylee.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fathers Day...

I know this is a little late...since Fathers Day was Sunday and all...but, I saw the results of a study done about fathers involvement with their kids.  Although there were a lot of statistics in the study....the most telling was that 30% of all fathers are "absentee fathers".  What this means is...30% of all fathers have not seen there kids for 12 months or more.  How is that even possible???!!  This study does not differentiate between young children and adult children.  So, lets consider MAYBE 10% of these dads have children above the age of 18...and the children are the ones deciding to not see their dads.  (This was NOT a statistic of the, I am just throwing a % out there).  This leaves 20% of dad's out there who are choosing to not see their kids.  This % crosses all racial boundaries and is consistent among the races.  This says to me, that it is not a black/white issue.  It is a HUMAN issue.  Anyone who reads my blog knows that I am divorced.  However, I make sure that I not only TALK to my daughter every day, but see her every weekend (unless it is impossible to do so).  I talk to her about school, homework, her friends and also talk to her about behavior and punishment.  I may not see her everyday...but, I am sure I make every effort to know what she is doing every day.  In today's world, more and more families are single parent households.  But, just because the households are single parent, does not mean the child has to be single parented.  It is absolutely imperative that both a father and a mother are in the child's life and are part of the raising of the child.  The parents may hate each other...but, is that the child's fault? No.  Remember...a father is not someone who makes the baby...a father is someone who raises the child.  If you are one...then my hats off to you...if you are not, but should be...its never too late.  Make the effort...everyone is better off when we all make the effort. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I Just Dont Get It...

Ok, someone needs to explain to me why we as Americans as so enthralled by the Casey Anthony trial??!!  Now...lets PRESUME that we are all innocent until proven we are supposed to.  But, here is a woman who has changed her story more times than Congressman Weiner has sent pictures of his crotch on twitter! Regardless of the overwhelming evidence against her...why are people lining up for HOURS before the trial starts each day to get a ticket to see details of this horrific crime?  These people are pushing and shoving to get a it was a black friday sale at Walmart at 4am! Here is a child that was duct taped, decapitated and thrown in the woods.  Traces of blood were found in mom's car, moms house and the story changes daily as to who knew what and when.  The defense has even blamed the meter reader for lying about the location of the body.  Regardless of the facts...we are glued to the TV set, waiting for hours to get in and/or reading news stories as they come in on the Internet.  Did we forget that this was a 2 year old little girl that was brutally murdered!!  This is not entertainment.  But, for many, it appears to be.  But, I cant really blame these people completely.  Go ahead...ask why.

Why?  Because we as Americans have made these types of events routine television.  For example...we have made ID Discovery the nations FASTEST GROWING NETWORK IN AMERICA!  ID Discovery is all about murder, criminals and sensationalizing and desensitizing us to the horrific crimes they display.  I admit...I watch ID Discovery and even enjoy some of the shows.  But what it is doing is making us forget these are real people, who have either committed horrific crimes or been victims of horrific crimes.  We think its television.  We forget its real.  So, we carry that over to current sensationalistic trials.  I am not advocating we stop watching ID Discovery, 48 Hours, Dateline or any other tv show that shows these sorts of stories...but...please remember the reality of it.  In each case, a crime was committed.  Someone suffered.  The relatives are still suffering even after its "over".  In the world of Casey Anthony...a 2 year old was murdered.  Someone did it.  Maybe her mom, maybe her grandfather or maybe someone else altogether...but, the reality...she is dead.  And we are clamoring at the chance to see gruesome pictures, know the facts and be a part of the one of the saddest crimes I have seen in a long time.  I just dont get it.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tea Party....Really???!!

Many of you have asked that I start blogging again, as I used to do this on My Space.  But, since I haven't logged into my space for years...I never really returned to it.  Well...I decided it was time!  Thanks to those of you who asked me to do feels nice to know that people either want to read what I have to say...or argue my points!  Either way...I hope everyone enjoys this.  I plan on doing this at least weekly...if not more often. goes!

So, we are gearing up for another presidential election.  I cant believe it has been 4 years since Barack Obama started his historic run for the white house.  The country was in shambles, the economy was in turmoil, housing bubble had burst, corporate corruption and greed was at an all time high and the sitting president was responsible for most of it.  In case you did not know...typically economic conditions, employment numbers, inflation etc are based on policies set by presidential polices from prior years.  For example, some would argue that Clinton era successes were based on Reagan polices. Although there is some merit to this (and for those of you who know me, know how much President Reagan was not a favorite of mine)...Clinton was responsible for much of the GDP growth in the nation during the 90's.  The economic upturn was due to massive technology growth and Clinton was responsible for encouraging that. Alan Greenspan (a republican nominee) was also largely responsible for positive growth and low inflation during the 90's.  Then came George W Bush.  He is the first SITTING president to single handily cause a wide spread economic downturn.  His policies (including the elimination of mortgage parameters that spawned the predatory loans that caused the housing crisis) are to blame for the problems we faced when Obama was elected. 

Now...many will, we are are not any better, why should we reelect Obama? Lets take a look at what has happened:  The bleeding has stopped.  Wall Street reform is in place.  Amercian companies (such as Ford) are doing better than they have in 25 years.  Americans will have access to health care...which is a RIGHT in America, not something only the privileged and wealthy should have access to.  However, we still have problems.  7 million unemployed or under-employed Americans.  Skyrocketing energy prices.  Increased food prices.  Lower wages (when adjusted for inflation) than any time in recent history.  So, where do we go from here?  I have heard many say..."fire the president".  My question is why?  Lets be took 8 years to destroy the largest economic growth this country has ever seen.  But, there is actually more to this.  The corruption started before Bush and even before Clinton.  Reagan polices allowed for the Enron's and the MCI Worldcoms and the Tyco's of the world to happen.  Clinton polices were responsible for the energy prices (remember, he not only allowed Exxon and Mobil to merge into one giant company, he encouraged it).  He sponsored NAFTA, which was such a promisibng idea...but corporate greed used the loophole to take away jobs in America.  Bush was responsible for the housing crisis, bankrupting America in support of an Iraq war that had nothingg to do with any threat of terrorism or danger to the US or its people.

So, what am I saying:  the problems of today are the responsibility of almost 30 years of presidential and government policies.  The tea party has spent millions of dollars to go after one man and one party.  They blame Obama and the democrats solely for the problems we have today.  The Tea Party and their leader Michelle Bachman have blamed the stimulus for failing to turn around the economy.  They have blamed high spending and big government for the problems we have and for not "fixing the economy".  The tea party expected one man...with only a 2 YEAR mandate to change 30 years of bad policies, and especially 8 years of dangerous, self indulgent policies.  Instead of offering real solutions of their own, they are spending millions of dollars trying to determine if the president was born in America and not on helping to solve the problem. They are spending millions on instituting and supporting/defending laws that force police officers to waste their time stopping Latinos to check if they are here illegally or not.  Since when does America support racial profiling???!!   Their kind of partisan politics are not helping the average middle class American feed his or her family.  They are not putting us back to work.  They are not lowering prices at the gas pump so people can afford to get to work or even buy food.  I am all for differing opinions, because that is what makes America great...but, only if the differing opinions have the same end goal in mind. The tea party has no real goal, other than to blame everyone else for problems.  They offer no solutions. So, instead of worrying about whether Obama was born in Hawaii, Kenya or Jupiter...instead of worrying about a dumb ass congressman who tweeted his junk to some woman...instead of trying to overturn a basic human right of affordable health about we focus on the real issue: jobs, affordable housing, affordable energy and the right that every Amercian has to raise a family and not have to fear total ruin to do it.